Baiba Baikovska is an energetic and active young woman. In 2009 she graduated from the “Public Relations” Bachelor’s studies program at Riga Stradiņš University before going on to attain a master’s degree in the “Communication” program. Currently she is a student in the “Communication Culture and Multimedia” doctoral studies program at Riga Stradiņš University. In between her master’s and doctoral studies, she obtained professional experience working for the NGO “Agape Latvia”, where she worked with students. At present, parallel to her studies in the doctoral program, she gives guest lectures at Riga Stradiņš University and heads a Christian movement for inclusion of people with disabilities within the Christian community and is involved in the association “Movement of Abilities”, which is part of the NGO “Agape Latvia”.
Four years ago, Baiba started living with her assistant dog Elfa, who was trained by the NGO’s dog trainer Zaiga Kļaviņa. The collaboration between Baiba and Elfa is amazing and full of love. They both do everything together and Elfa is an irreplaceable assistant to Baiba in her daily life, both when it comes to lifting objects, helping Baiba to take off a heavy coat or helping her to get out of bed into her wheelchair, or bringing Baiba her cell phone in critical situations. Above all, she is Baiba’s friend. Understanding just how important a role a guide dog can play in helping a person with disabilities to integrate into society, Baiba decided to undertake the role of the NGO’s Project Coordinator and later became one of its Board Members.
Riga, February 2021

Baiba Baikovska

Drawing by: Elīna Veinberga