Visually impaired Aleksejs Korsaks and his guide dog Tikka are ready to take part in the Riga Marathon 5 km run.

The first to set off in the 21 km half marathon is young doctor Kristaps Dambergs.

Around lunch time, the 5 km runner get ready to start. Pinned to Aleksej’s shirt is Lattelecom Riga Marathon number 18573.

Aleksejs heads to the river bank with Tikka.

A moment to gather their thoughts and then off to the start.

The service dog association supports its members in any weather conditions.

The service dog association’s dog handler Zaiga Kļaviņa accompanies Aleksejs to the start.

This is the moment when the popular masses have already headed to the start. Aleksejs decided to start at the rear of the main body of runners to avoid further confusing the already perplexed Tikka.

A moment after the finish when Aleksejs hugs Tikka out of deepest gratitude for a job very well done.

A photo capturing the moment after the finish with service dog association TEODORS Board Chairman Aleksejs Volkovs and Teodors.

The marathon has ended. Having received his medal, it’s time to go to the station to return home to Daugavpils.