Tornakalns Church

Service dogs attend the special Pentecost service. Assistent dog Elfa greets therapy dog Jerode. Photo by Mārtiņš Zilgalvis

The Pentacost service is attended by many people

Guide dogs Toni and Mango with their owners

Therapy dogs Jerode and Beri with their owners

Baiba talks about her life with her assistant dog Elfa while Aleksejs talks about his guide dog Serena and the association TEODORS

Kārlis Kazāks sings a Latvian folksong. Photo by Mārtiņš Zilgalvis

The Service dog association TEODORS information tent

Velga and Marika hand out the new information leaflets

Celebrations continue in the church grounds , where it is possible to receive information about the dogs, the association, the work of the parish or just enjoy the sunny Pentacost afternoon

Everyone, especially children want to stroke the therapy dogs. Photo by Mārtiņš Zilgalvis

Future guide dog Joko together with the Luther parish choir. Photo by Eduards Laķis

Future guide dog Joko together with Intars Busulis. Photo by Eduards Laķis

The special event is coming to an end.From left, Aleksejs and Serena, Andris and Feja, Velga, congregation spokeswoman, Zaiga and Romeo

The association chairman Aleksejs with guide dog Serena thanks the Tornkalns church parish and their pastors Kaspars Simanovičs and Linards Rozentāls for their moving church service and the generous donation